UNBOXING Nomakenolife Box | December 2023 NMNL 💄💕

UNBOXING Nomakenolife Box | December 2023 NMNL 💄💕

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UNBOXING Nomakenolife Box for the month December 2023.
Spoken in English. Japanese and Korean makeup and skincare box.

Hey everyone!

In this video, I'll be unboxing the Nomakenolife Box for the month of December. Holiday Glitz & Glam. Nomakenolife is a subscription box that delivers a variety of Japanese and Korean beauty and skincare products right to your doorstep every month.

In this month's box, I received a selection of amazing beauty products that I can't wait to try out. I'll be showing you each item as I unbox them and giving you my first impressions of each one.

If you're interested in Japanese and Korean beauty and skincare products or just love unboxing videos, be sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of my future videos. Thanks for watching!

Get your own Nomakenolife box.

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It would mean the world to me! ❤

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marloesarnold/
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TikTok: @marloesarnold

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