Hi! I purchase my allure box from Amazon. If you purchase your subscription on Amazon within the first 3 days of the month you will get your box every month super early!
#allure #allurebeauty #allurebeautybox #allurebox #abbadabbs #beautybox #beautysubscription #makeupbox #subscription #unbox #unboxingvideo #unboxingandreview #unboxings #makeup #beauty
Allure: https://beautybox.allure.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_medium=paid-search&gclid=CjwKCAjwyaWZBhBGEiwACslQo9w5mbY2EXA1VOf-OcBhbNzaJtshNuE2VdfABZ85X8KHtuPFH6ENbhoC1lcQAvD_BwE
If you would like to support my channel: https://paypal.me/AbbyNewkirk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US
For business inquiries only please contact me at: [email protected]
Hey guys! Thank you so much for stopping by my channel and checking out my videos. I am so thankful to all of you. This is an unboxing channel. I unbox a ton of subscription boxes and I may sprinkle in a few different kinds of videos in between the unboxings. I started this channel because I needed a outlet. As a recovering addict I needed a place that could help me keep my mind busy as well help me be more confident in myself. Being sober is hard but being in active addiction was harder. I am so thankful to be where I am today. I am thankful to my husband, my kids and to all of u that have helped me through so much stuff. You may not know about all the things I go through and I know I don’t share everything but I am human just like you and my struggles are real. Thank you for being a part of my channel and thank you for staying with me. I hope I can be a place that you can come to for a break, a laugh or for just mindless entertainment.💛💛