Hello Sunshines! Today we are continuing with New Subscription Box week. I am bringing back First Glances and Second Chances. This is where I open all new Subscription Boxes to my channel in one big unboxing palooza. This one is so big I am dividing it into 2 parts. The first 8 were shown on Saturday and this is part 2 with 7 boxes. Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe if you are not already and give this video a thumbs up. I truly appreciate your support!
❤️PART 1 video https://youtu.be/eYxHNLQhHig
⭐️Framed Monogram Box https://www.framedbysarah.com/product/monogram-box-product/
⭐️Wax Seal Club Join the waitlist here https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6387f0fa1b84e9ea4164f663
⭐️PaperGang https://papergang.com/
⭐️Singles Swag Box https://shrsl.com/44nbs (referral link)
Use code HEART at checkout for 40% off any order.
50% off 1st box with a 3+ month subscription using code: HALFOFF
⭐️Wix Wax Box https://wixwaxcandles.com/?aff=3 (referral link)
Use code GEORGIA15 for 15% off your first box
⭐️Get Annie's kits for 50% off by clicking here https://shrsl.com/40w8z and using code SAVE (referral link)
⭐️AwayDay Box https://awaydaybox.com/products/the-awayday-box
❤️Come Join The Pieces of Sunshine Book Club - https://m.facebook.com/groups/piecesofsunshine/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF
⭐️Wanna buy me a Chai Latte? https://tinyurl.com/2p8snkf3
❤️LTK https://www.shopltk.com/search?keyword=Georgia+Sunshine&type=post
❤️Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaSunshinekristy/
❤️Instagram https://www.instagram.com/georgia_sunshine1/
❤️Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=Georgia%20Sunshine&t=1675112455613
Want to send me some happy mail? Have a box or product you want to be featured on my channel? Send it to...
Kristy H Smith
1205 Johnson Ferry Road STE #136
PMB 155
Marietta, Ga 30068
Some boxes were sent to me for review. All opinions are my own. Some Items in this description box are referral links. This means I am paid a small commission. Using the links DO NOT cost you anything extra but do help out this channel.
If you are a company that would like to work with me feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
Subscribers, please contact me through social media or video comments. Thank you!
#megaunboxing #subscriptionboxunboxing #unboxing #GeorgiaSunshine